"I love these updates, they are hugely helpful in keeping the vegan community connected!"
"I love what you're doing with CFA. I just chatted with a volunteer in Wisconsin who said he got connected with us (Mercy For Animals) through CFA, so yay!"
"Connect for Animals has always been a super helpful resource for me -- before it felt like a very scattershot approach to finding out what was going on, and now I feel confident knowing what's going on when."
"I am really enjoying the event overviews that you at CFA send out! To be honest it is one of the only newsletter-ish emails I receive, that I actually read through almost every time :)"
"There are quite a few conferences and events I never would have known about if it weren't for Connect For Animals. For a while, I wasn't working full time in the animal advocacy movement, and attending the events posted in your emails gave me a lot more confidence in interviews (and helped a ton with networking). I've been at (Animal Advocacy Organization) for a month now and absolutely love it. So thank you for helping keep all of these events in one space and making my job search so much easier!"
"I recently heard from someone at We The Free that someone who is now a regular workshop attendee initially found out about the We The Free workshops through Connect For Animals."